Friday, December 02, 2005



There is a statue somewhere of The Virgin Mary crying 'blood' from her left eye. It was all over the national news. Somebody took a sample for analysis. I was wondering whether we will soon learn the Virgin Mary's blood type. Was She O-Positive? All the world wants to know. There is a small bunch of devotees who think it is a 'sign from God.' Apparently, those folks believe that God is so lacking in power that He needs to rely on dubious 'signs' of this nature.

The 'bird flu' is much in the news and everybody is watching and waiting for it to eventually 'mutate' into a form which can be passed from human to human. If and when it does I wonder whether the folks who believe in Intelligent Design will blame the 'intelligent' Designer.

Then there is the annual Christmas War: this year there seems to be a movement to rename the 'Christmas Tree' the 'Holiday Tree.' I have no problem at all with 'Christmas Tree.' I think 'Holiday Tree' would also work but would be offensive to Christians who long ago adopted a Pagan symbol as their own. Look it up in The Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets.