Protoplasm Rots
me: But it seems so unfair! Why keep a helpless being with no prospects sequestered for all of eternity? It seems monstrous.
god: That's the way it is.
(Better oh better Cancel from the Scroll
Of Universe one Luckless Human Soul
Than drop by drop Enlarge the Flood that rolls
Hoarser with Anguish as the Ages Roll)
god: Did you hear something?
me: Can you tell me what happens to an embryonic soul whose 'protoplasm' has been 'sacrificed' in the name of research? Is its fate somehow different?
god: There is no difference.
me: Then will you grant me that in the case of scientific research the 'protoplasm' involved served a higher purpose than it would have otherwise have served?
god: What do you mean?
me: I mean that in any case the 'protoplasm' rots.
god: Protoplasm always eventually rots. What is your point?
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