Friday, June 23, 2006

Juicy Situation


Well, I might have been a bit premature announcing that interview. North Korea is in the process of getting an intercontinental missle ready for launch. It seems to be an interminable process, leading observers such as me to wonder what the hell the holdup is. Can't they just pump it full of fuel and light it? What's the problem?

Meanwhile, the Bush Administration is studying the question of whether to try and shoot it down. And Japan is hoping that the primitive guidance system on the missle will put it eventually somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, not somewhere in Japan. Everybody concerned have their respective fingers crossed. Juicy situation.

I see the NK missle demonstration as (you guessed it) a sub-conscious national penis problem. North Koreans are revulsed by the thought that reunification with the South will result in immediate de-forskinization of the population. This 'missle test' is actually a hidden message to 'circumcisional forces' (South Korea and America) that the national NK dick will not be modified without consequence to the modifiers. I applaud that. I think that any agreement between South Korea and North Korea should include the sub-rosa agreement that the NK dick will remain unmolested by Judeo-Muslim-American forces.