Friday, May 26, 2006

Dave, You Dirty Bastard!


I am giggling as I remember and recount this incident, But Dave had the last laugh on this occasion. He began to describe the airport at Breckenridge (?) as barely capable of handling a Twin Commander with a full load pf passengers (we had no passengers on this flight). He told the story of how he had taken FAA reps for a round trip to Breckenridge (?) so they could check out the (stomp) safety aspects of this new service, and how they - probably through fear - declined to redo a landing/take off demonstration at the final destination. Dave was so good that by the time we were approaching Brechenridge (?) even I was apprehensive. ('Shit! What was I getting into here?')

Dave landed the TC at Breckenridge (?). He came in fast and used up the entire runway. I thought, 'Uh-oh.'

We might have parked the airplane to take a piss - might not - I really don't remember. But I do remember that as we taxied for take-off on the same runway in the opposite direction, Dave reassured me. He mentioned that the engines on this particular airplane were supercharged - not just turbocharged, and that unless we lost an engine on takeoff we would definitely be able to climb out to a safe altitude for our transition back to Denver.

I almost prayed as Dave slowly (waaaay too slowly) advanced the throttles on the supercharged TC. About three quarters down the runway it became clear that we would make it - failing sudden engine failure - and that I would live. (thump)

I never thought about it 'til now, but I guess Dave was getting back at me for that accelerated stall.