On Meeting God
I am not at all tempted to give the god any ideas, of course, with this blog. Although I am 'certain' that the god does not read this blog, I am unwilling to speculate on the miniscule possibility that such a god would indeed spend his valuable time reading this dumbass blog.
If I really thought that the god actually read this blog... then what would I do? What should I do (tap)? Eheh.
First of all, of course, I would continue in the same vein, so to say: theoretically you can't fool the god and I wouldn't try. So I would continue to flip-off the god and to call him/her/it 'Idiot' whenever I deigned to addressed that deity. Would such behavior doom me to hell forever?
Is the god so... brittle? Does the god not have a sense of humor? Is the god not tolerant?
Is the god insecure, egowise? Does the god feel psychological pain when verbally attacked?
Does a 'flipped-off' god become enraged?
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