A Little Anti-Semitism
(The taps seem to be morphing into stomps.)
A little anti-Semitism is not a bad thing if it is based on a dubious attitude toward 'healthful circumcision.' (yep. The taps have definitely morphed into wallbooms.) I bring this subject up as a sort of counterweight to the next subject, which now follows:
There was an interesting piece (now we're back to taps) on morning tv concerning a proposed new city in Florida. Seems some billionaire Catholic wants to create a Catholic city in southwestern Florida to be named, Ave Maria. This new city will be free of sexual 'vices.' No condoms will be sold in the new city. No fucking will be tolerated unless the participants are married. The city is to be constructed around a Catholic University of the same name. The university will teach, of course, Catholic ideas otherwise known as, 'traditional values.'
As I was watching this amazing piece I thought, 'The Florida Jews are gonna hate this! I love it!'
So I kept this amazing piece on tivo for later reference.
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