Friday, January 27, 2006

Good Question


Today is Mozart's 250th birthday. So I began tonight's seance with Mozart. But after a couple of hours I'd had enough, and so I switched back to Beethoven. I am currently listening to my favorite, Beethoven's Piano Concerto #1. I never get tired of it, possibly because it is my friday night 'drunk theme song' which I forget (boozewise) until the next friday night. I particularly like the last movement, especially the last half of the last movement.

The good news today is that Democracy worked in 'Palestine.' Hamas kicked Fattah ass. Did I get that right? Bad news is that Bush wanted Fattah to win. But Democracy worked. Hamas is in power. Now what? Now we wonder. Now we wonder whether the old saw that, 'power corrupts...' will prove to be correct in this case, or whether there might be a new saw to the effect that, 'sometimes power reforms.'

Will Hamas suddenly rise to the occasion, inspired by the sweet fragrance of New Power?

Or can we all look forward to the same old shit.