Friday, January 20, 2006

Health Status


Whew. With that out of the way maybe I can get down to the business of Friday Night Blogging. BUT before I leave the subject entirely I want to a reassure all concerned that next week I will be presenting one or more of Kootch's more tasty and/or healthful recipes. Stay tuned.

Speaking of health, my leg is much improved. The swelling has been reduced considerably and I feel almost normal in all respects. My INR value is 2.9 as of today, so the general trajectory is slightly down but not alarmingly so. My tentative conclusion, boozewise, is that the current formula allows for continued friday night - oops, standby while I take my evening medication - I'm four hours late - liver bashes.

Bibleboogerwise, I've had only one (boom) pastable booger all week. This is waaay down from the peak of several weeks ago when I was injecting Lovenox into the fat of my belly just on either side (tap) of the navel. My presumption is that this indicates a healthy state of blood 'thinness' which is desirable in the long term. The alternative explanation - that god was so outraged by the recent flurry of boogers that he strengthened all the little nasal blood vessels - is dubious at best.

2210 and Kootch just walked by on the way to the bathroom and waved. Then she wished me goodnight on her way back to her bedroom (being gassed here, RLG).