Friday, November 11, 2005

Stay Tuned


Which are significant, by the way. Prove me wrong if you can.

My faith in the VS has been shaken by the recent unprecedented nighttime (and daytime!) gassing attacks of 'skin gas.' These attacks have been congruent with a sudden recent decline in my energy. I am so energy defficient these days that I could not even climb the first hill on my '50 minute bike ride' a few days ago. Am I being poisoned (tap) by the increased gassing? I don't know, but my natural paranoia suggests that as a possibility.

This seems to be an auspicious time to bring my gas notes to the attention of the ACSD. I plan to do that next week (tap). I will keep you informed.

I have also arranged for an 'interview' with Kaiser Permanente. We Shall see... Stay tuned. You might get to be in on the announcement on this blog of my impending death!