Friday, September 30, 2005

His Big Mistake


Which brings us logically to the real idiots of New Orleans, Ray Nagin and his dumbass Police Commissioner. Nagin fired the commissioner appropriately and belatedly and the people of New Orleans should fire Nagin as soon as possible. What an Idiot! I am ashamed to have the same first name.

Following this thread through the week we suddenly arrive at... Bill Bennett?! Sorry, Virginia.

It seems that William Bennett mispoke himself on his radio show to the effect that, 'If your primary interest was to lower the crime rate you could do so by aborting all black fetuses.' Apparently Bennett was ridiculing abortion only, but the implication was that Bennett was also ridiculing blacks. Most blacks took the bait and we now have a very juicy racial firefight on our hands.

It seems that Bennett had read, in Freakonomics, that in the states where abortion had been legalized before it had been nationally legalized there was a corresponding drop in the crime rate 20 years later. The implication was that most abortees were probably black, and therefore blacks were responsible for the high crime rate. But is that logical?

It seems logical. But suppose ALL fetuses in those states had been aborted. Would not the crime rate have gone down? Twenty years later? Suppose only all white fetuses had been aborted. Would not the crime rate have gone down? You get the point, which is, 'abortion lowers the crime rate twenty years later.'

Bill Bennett could have made his point by leaving blacks entirely out of the equation and that was his big mistake.

Apologize, Billy! You idiot! You are a racial snob.