Sunday, October 03, 2004

Fuel of The Gods

Time for me to admit that I am doing a little booze tonight as I create this blog. It seems to me that a little booze is a good thing. My brain welcomes a little assistance from time to time. Booze is chemistry, and my brain swims in chemistry most all of the time if not all of the time. My brain and I have nothing against chemistry. We love chemistry. In fact, our only mutual regret tonight is that one glorious chemical - tetra-hydra-cannabinol - is missing from this little seance.

But my brain and I do not dwell on negative ideas. We create our reality with the rescources at hand. We work together, my brain and I, as we go on and on, second by second, minute by minute... doing our life together. We see no end to this dance. We see it as our endless duty. My brain and I see no possible escape from this endless dance of duty. We can imagine no end. And as my brain and I type this glorious stuff we suddenly realize - together - that we are out of beer.


We are back, my brain and I, and our most recent beer. If you were to put yourselves into the place of this most recent beer you would be ecstatic. You would have found yourselves in the presense of Beauty. You would have been more than willing to contribute a small part of your selves to the mysterious chemical factory in which you had found your sudden consciousness.

But as time passed on and you found your very being more and more consumed you might have second thoughts. You might request an explanation from my brain and I. We would comply with your very understandable request for existential clarification. We would explain to you that you were the 'fuel of The God' and that you were doing your Cosmic Duty. You would be very pleased. You would die happy.

We are the fuel of The Gods, you and me.