Sunday, October 03, 2004

Blessed Secularism

As I was walking around the maul today I was thinking about how to put the lid back on Pandora's Box; in whiskey terms, how to put the cork back into the bottle. It seemed to me that maybe we ought to simply replace the cork, so to say. It seemed to me that we ought to simply reinstate Saddam as President of Iraq. Saddam would then resurrect the Bathist party and the army, and clamp down on the emerging Iranian-Shiite-Sharian-Ludicrousity now threatening the people. It seemed to me that Saddam - good ole Saddam - would be able to restore Blessed Secularism to that beleagered religious nation, and with it, order and security, if not freedom.

I concocted a scenerio where the powers that be - whomever those powers might be after the November election - made the secret decision to put the lid back on the Iraqi box; the cork back into the Iraqi bottle. I came up with a plan to let Saddam 'escape' after the Iraqis had elected an interm government which would permit us to 'escape' from Iraq. Once we were all out, Saddam could emerge, so to say, and retake Iraq for us. FOR US! Note that. My plan was to make Saddam a Judeo-American puppet. A fundamentally important part of that plan was the secret agreement that Iraqi oil would flow freely into American tankers. Saddam would scratch our back, so to say, and we would scratch back. I concocted the best possible brew given the available ingredients. It was a fantasy of course. But as I was thinking about my grandiose idea during my maul walk and during my subsequent shopping trip I must have had a smile on my face because I noticed a few people smiling back.