Good News - Bad News
The page-loading problem disappeared immediately after I mentioned it and I was able to surf around in MSNBC quite smoothly after exiting Blogger.
Another possible result of this blog is a reduction in the gassing attack. They seem to be trying to recalibrate the dose, looking for the least amount of gas which I can detect. I like the trend. I hope it goes to zero and stays there.
They don't gas Kootch, of course. Nor do they drop bowling balls on the floor above her head or bang the walls. Kootch is not the target. When Kootch is around they are fairly discreet. This is good for Kootch. Unfortunately it also means that Kootch and I live in different 'realities.' She finds it difficult to relate to my complaints and this sort of buttresses her denial. It's a 'good news - bad news' situation: the good news is that Kootch is relatively sheltered from these creepy people. So I go along with Kootch in her denial. I no longer complain to her. Kootch doesn't know I am writing this.
But I think Kootch knows on some level that what I have been saying is true. I see symptoms of stress in Kootch which may, in part at least, be the result of 'unconscious knowlege.' I think Kootch is coping as best she can, and now that I understand her method we get along quite well. The subject of 'stalking' rarely comes up.
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