Saturday, July 03, 2004


This stalker doesn't have the technical skills to accomplish such hackery, of course, but he does have the money to pay people who do have such skills. Money appears to be no object, in fact, and this stalker has 'hired' many people to assist him in his little hobby. For that reason I think in terms of 'them,' not 'him.' I am usually affected only indirectly by the stalker, through surrogates, though I have no doubt the stalker in person often does the 'affecting.' So I will refer to them all simply as, 'Them.' I will describe what 'They' are doing and what 'They' have done. When I use the term I mean to include them all.

By the way, the creation of this draft has been accompanied by many faint taps from above as They - in this case probably the stalker himself - read what I am writing and 'comment' on it. The Stalker desires to participate in the life of the Target, and this sort of voyeuristic activity serves that purpose. True, it is a pathetic kind of participation but the Stalker takes what he can get. Something is better than nothing.

(0800 and the numbers are now 3 million and 35.5 million bytes as my modem continues to work overtime.)