Thursday, March 16, 2006



(3) refuses to publish for some reason, which I am not at all inclined to investigate. I suspect hackery, of course.

I've been doing some more Flight Simulator lately as an alternative to C-III. In the process I discovered the perfect scenerio for reading books: at flight level 270! So when the excitement of take-off and climb-out is over and I am cruising along on the AP and the scenery is more or less boring, I break out The End of Faith. As a result I have been able to get in some serious reading. In fact I have been able to go from approximately page 25 to page 102 is a few days.

I've pretty much confirmed that the author Sam Harris is Jewish, and this gives me a useful perspective from which to judge this book, which so far is edifying. Harris recently got into some of the most compelling history arguing in favor of his thesis. In fact, reading those pages pretty much confirmed my suspicion that my fellow man is a snake. His description of the Spanish Inquisition and the persecution of the Jews is difficult to read.

But the interesting aspect of it all is that 'faith' in some dumbass religion or other tends to enhance the snakiness. (By 'dumbass' I mean Judaism and its derivatives, Christianity and Mohammedanism, of course.)

This post also failed to publish: EOF while reading from control connection. So I'll wrap it up.