Friday, March 31, 2006

Defending Atheism


This piece prompted me to write in defense of Atheism.

It seems to me that there are two major categories of Atheism, the CCL (couldn't care less) category and the IRI (intensive rational investigation) category. There may even be a HUH (huh?) category of Atheism, and possibly other categories (the Mad Tapper is going mad again as I type this) or sub-categories.

My take on the subject is that Atheists in general are getting a bum rap. I think that the Atheist - at least the IRI type of Atheist - is morally superior to the average Christian or Muslim or Jew.

I base my opinion on the concept that the IRI Atheist (IRIA) has arrived at his conclusion regarding the 'supernatural' only after an intensive in-depth consideration of the facts. Finding no 'facts' concerning the supernatural the IRIA has rejected the whole idea. It follows that the IRIA is prepared to accept the consequences of hiR conclusion whatever they might be.

Christians, Muslims, and Jews, on the other hand, are not so committal. Most of them accept the nonsense they were taught as defenseless children, buttressed by old and odious philosophy like 'Paschal's Wager.' This is not an admirable position, morally. It amounts to Kissing the Divine Butt - just in case.