More Daruma
After all that I eventually (t) turned off the VS. I had the other computer up and running with Creative Writer, ready to drog, but it seems to have turned out that it was unnecessary. No sign of gas as I write this at 2351L. Where was I?
Ah! Daruma!
You might not know this but Daruma is the Eastern version of 'guardian angel.' Daruma sits on your shoulder advising you if you are a Buddhist. But sHe is usually female if you are Christian. Many religions have their Darumas. It is one of the fundamental functions of religion that there is a Daruma around to see what you do. All 'modern' religions have some form of Daruma. Even ancient religions had some form of Daruma.
I don't think (tap) of Daruma as female. To me Daruma is male. On the other hand I think of Nature as female. Nature creates mindlessly, endlessly, whereas Daruma performs the personal function of an alarm clock. Daruma is not in the same class with Nature. Daruma is at best the servant of Mother Nature.
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