Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Tonight's Erection


Kootch just informed me that there is nothing to watch on tv tonight 'because of the erection.' I was mystified, because I wasn't aware of any erection. Then it dawned on me she was talking about tv's almost universal coverage (no pun intended) of today's voting. I tell you, folks, it is such fun having a Japanese wife.

(boom) And that covers, apparently, a little dittie I was thinking about in the last two days: doing a little play on words which would lampoon Kootch's pronounciation, which, as I just found out, now rivals Bush's. You see, what Kootch really said was that there was nothing to watch on tv, that even her Japanese channel was focused on the election results and that she was going to hit the sack and nighty-night. Her subject fit the facts, but her pronounciation did not follow the script. So I had her pronounce 'election' several times, looking for the teltale 'r.' No joy. She pronounced the word perfectly (for a Japanese). Thus I must report to you that the first paragraph above was only a fantasy. I must further advise you (at risk of TMI) that the only erection problems I am aware of are in tv commercials.