Friday, October 29, 2004



I've just finished reading the previous posts and I approve of the numeration. It all makes sense to me now (at 2240).

I was thinking today as I was driving to the super market about why Beethoven's piano concerto was so endlessly fascinating to me when I'm drunk. I came up with the answer: booze. Booze tends to inhibit memory. Therefore when I'm drunk I forget. The result is that I forget BPC-1, and when I hear it again on the next drunk it presents itself in its original beauty. So it never gets old with me. I forget it.

Then, next drunk, I am able to enjoy the beauty of it almost virginally. I never get tired of it. This might be an extremely rare attribute of booze. Or it might be a common use of booze, unfortunately.

'Forget.' Jews say, 'Never forget.'