Friday, May 05, 2006

Lesser is Better


Acid is illegal. Therefore you will not be able to really know (being gassed here with 'right lung gas') the dose you are ingesting. You will have to trust the dealer and the manufacturer that, 'a hit is a hit.' My advice is that you assume that a hit of Acid is equal to approximately 50 micrograms. My impression (although I really don't know) is that the ideal Acid trip is produced by ingesting 100 micrograms (of LSD-25). That would be two hits. But start with one hit.

Do not take any more Acid. Finish your trip for better or for worse. Wait at least a week before doing another trip. If your first trip was 'satisfactory,' then fine, you know your ideal dose for this particular batch of Acid. If you want to 'get higher' on your next trip, then you may double the dose (or add a fraction of a hit).

Avoid buying only one hit of Acid. You need to buy at least ten hits in order to evaluate dosage. But remember that Acid deteriorates over time, becoming less potent. If your acid is in the form of paper (blotter) then remember to keep it sandwiched between the original aluminum foils.

Be advised also that because Acid is illegal you do not want to buy too much at one time. If you get caught by the police, the rule is: 'Lesser is better.'

The lethal dose of Acid in humans is unknown. Aspirin kills more people every year than many illegal drugs combined (Acid, Ganja, Mescaline, Psycilocibin, etc).