Friday, February 03, 2006

A Universal Human Delusion


So how to explain the 'power of god' in your lives? Good question.

All during your lives you have doubted god. As you have grown older you have yearned to believe that the end of this life is not really the end. you have enjoyed your lives and you look forward to many happy returns. Toward that end you have 'built your faith.'

That is to say that you have disregarded the evidence of your senses which indicates that all beings from humans to viruses die and that that broad category includes you. You have hoodwinked yourselves. You know that you will die like a dog, but you have 'convinced' yourselves 'through faith' that you will live forever in paradise.

Furthermore you have bought into the idea that god is watching you, looking for signs of disbelief in the common human delusion of life after death. 'They' have told you from infancy that god will punish such disbelief with eternal pain. You bought it.

So you fear god because you don't have the courage to tell the truth to yourselves. The 'power' of god in your lives is based on the delusion that you will never die. You are wrong about that.

You all will die like dogs.