Friday, September 02, 2005

A Vast Ignorance


Rather than begin with an overview of Wallerstein's book I would like to immediately address the vast ignorance which surrounds me. Relatively few Americans know (tap) anything about the original version of the human penis (thump) which was designed by the Lucifer Group when it designed The Universe for The Creator (I'm listening to the last movement of BPC#4 as I write this and I find as usual that it is difficult to let go of... somewhat like the last movement of BPC#1). Therefore as preface to what will follow I would like to conduct an interview with the designer himself, Lucifer:
me: You will be pleased to know that the Kansas School Board has tentatively approved the teaching of Intelligent Design alongside the teaching of Evolution in science class.
lucifer: (turning red in the face) Thank you for this welcome information.
me: Knowing you as I do I knew you would be pleased.
lucifer: You know me and I know you.
me: My readers are eager for an 'overview' so to say, of the human penis from the point of view of the designer. Would you be so kind as to elaborate?
lucifer: Gladly. Where should I begin exactly?
me: Begin with structure and function (thump) please.
lucifer: Do you want the succinct version?
me: Please.