Friday, July 23, 2004

Jodan Yo!

Jodan yo! And in fact I did put that question to a nice Jewish psychiatrist one day in jest. I was frustrated by his apparent disinterest. I was paying this sucker 35 dollars an hour and he was just listening! He replied that he did not know. I then asked him whether he thought I was queer (tap). Again, he didn't know. It was at that point (I knew I wasn't queer OR schizophrenic) that I decided to dump the sucker. His name was Leib and he was a Jew (thump) and I had spent 350 bucks on this Jewish Idiot.

I mention this because I want keep you aware of the possibility that I might be crazy. I will return to Dr. Leib eventually. Before I fired Dr. Leib I asked him one day whether he thought 'free association' would be helpful. 'I don't think you could do that' was his reply.

Leib never said much to me so I don't know whether he was a Freudian or some other variant. I suspect that, being Jewish, he was a Freudian. Freud was a Jew too. Freud invented (tap), among other concepts, the concept of 'penis envy' (tap). Freud assigned Penis Envy to young girls. According to Freud penis envy was a rite of passage in young girls. Most of the world seems to have accepted this Freudian definition of a totally new concept. Not me. I knew about penis envy from my youth. (now the delete key works!) I knew that penis envy was a male thing not a female thing: my brother suffered from Penis Envy.